Big is beautiful...and so is everything else

So I thought I'd weigh in on the 'is big beautiful' argument. It has come out today, or at least according to the Daily Mail which we all know is the fountain of all truth, that Lady Gaga has hit back at the recent 'Gaga's fat' articles. Comparing herself to British treasure Adele Adkins, known simply as 'Adele' on the 4,274,300 copies of her second album '21' - we all have a copy and if you don't you don't have the right to call yourself a Brit - Gaga has stated that "Adele is bigger than me. How come nobody says anything about it?"

Now I must admit, when i saw that the DM had used this quote as its headline for the article, I immediately put my defence up. "How dare my beloved Gaga say that about my even more beloved Adele! Take it back now Gag's, else I will unfollow you from Twitter." Thankfully, as I read deeper into the article I was relieved to discover that Gaga was far from flogging the spotlight onto Adele's weight, instead praising the superstar for her confidence and the bar she has set for real women. And I think it's that confident and carefree attitude that both Adele and Lady Gaga exude that we as bitter, judgmental women should really aspire to look at, not the size on their clothing label or how much weight they've put on this week. 

Hold on. Let me backtrack a little bit here. I get it. We're women. No matter how many celebrities tell us to feel comfortable in our own skin, or how many times we listen to Christina Aguilera preach that "we are beautiful, no matter what they say", we will always feel inferior to other women. We will always feel that the only way to distract from our own insecurities is to feed off the anxieties of others. Whether it's the woman on the street with match-stick legs and a round tummy, or the news that Cheryl Cole has put on 2lbs this year, we all jump on the band wagon to put these ladies down. But let's face it, if it were yourself in the eye of the 'fat-gate' storm, would you feel so shit that you'd stop putting other women down in your head? Probably not. It's in our DNA and it's very hard to shake!

So I guess I've come to a bit of a dead end. Females should accept and cherish each other's bodies, whatever shape or size, but the chances are we won't. I suppose you're thinking you've wasted your time reading this post now. Fair enough, maybe you have. But I'd like to point out that whilst writing this post, I typed both 'Adele' and 'Lady Gaga' into the search engine and the first suggestion I received for both women? Adele fat. Lady Gaga weight gain. Would you look at these photos and think gosh, Adele looks fat? No. She looks like a normal, healthy women who isn't afraid to have a couple more potatoes with her Sunday Roast. Does Gaga really constitute as 'over weight'? No. She is no longer the size 6 she was when wearing the light blue PVC onesie in the Poker Face video, but she is NOT fat. So if you've got beef with these girls, then please try and keep it to yourself!


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