
And so we have reached that time of that year again where it is deemed socially acceptable for the well groomed and savvy men of Britain to put the 'Gillette Fusion ProGlide Razor' back in the medicine cabinet and spend the next 30 days deliberately trying to grow as grand a facial fuzz as possible. Subsequently, we females surround ourselves with pots of 'Jolen' hair removal and copious amounts of  wax strips in a bid to avoid the ever dooming question:

"You growing your tash out for Movember?"  

That's right. Movember is back in our lives and it is bigger than ever. For those who have been absent from society since 2004, Movember sees men attempt to grow a moustache throughout the month in aid of prostate cancer and other male related illnesses with it's slogan "changing the face of men's health". During November, one is guaranteed to witness many a moustache walking down the street. Ranging from the pathetic line of fluff that lies across a man's top lip, known commonly as 'the straggler', to my personal favourite and a real show stopper, the ever so manly 'handlebar', men of Britain compete amongst themselves to secure the title of "Best Tache". 

But if you are cursed with the inability of growing a tache, then please do no fear. Once again, the mighty giant that is HP Sauce is supporting the Mo Bro's of November with it's limited edition bottle, encouraging you to indulge in even more bacon sarnies because it's all for charity. But it doesn't stop there. Moustache's have risen in social popularity and now everything is laden with the thick black design. T shirts. Mugs. Baby's dummies. I personally own a pair of black loafers with a white tache on them. I love them. 

So with years of women running the 'Race For Life' for women's cancer, men finally have the opportunity to raise awareness and money for their own health issues by partaking in a craze that has taken over Novembers all over the world. Now ladies, I personally can't wait for fanuary...


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